Home Region Growing Segmentation 정리

Region Growing Segmentation 정리

Reference: https://pcl.readthedocs.io/projects/tutorials/en/latest/region_growing_segmentation.html

PCL에서 사용되는 Region Growing Segmentation의 방법론을 pcl 공식 문서를 참조하여 정리하였다.

  • Algorithm 개요
    • Inputs:
      • Point cloud=$\{P\}$
      • Point normals=$\{N\}$
      • Point curvatures=$\{C\}$
      • Neighbor finding function $\Omega(.)$
      • Curvature threshold $c_{th}$
      • Angle threshold $\theta_{th}$
    • Initialize:
      • Region list $R\leftarrow\emptyset$
      • Available points list $\{A\}\leftarrow\{1,…,|P|\}$
    • Algorithm:
      • While $\{A\}$ is not empty do
        • Current region $\{R_c\}\leftarrow\emptyset$
        • Current seeds $\{S_c\}\leftarrow\emptyset$
        • Point with minimum curvature in $\{A\}\rightarrow P_{min}$
        • $\{S_c\}\leftarrow\{S_c\}\cup P_{min}$
        • $\{R_c\}\leftarrow\{R_c\}\cup P_{min}$
        • $\{A\}\leftarrow\{A\}-P_{min}$
        • for $i=0$ to size $(\{S_c\})$ do
          • Find nearest neighbors of current seed point $\{B_c\}\leftarrow\Omega(S_c\{i\})$
          • for $j=0$ to size $(\{B_c\})$ do
            • Current neighbor point $P_j\leftarrow B_c\{j\}$
            • If $\{A\}$ contains $P_j$ and $cos^{-1} ( | ( N \{ S_c \{ i \} \},N \{ S_c \{ j \} \} ) | ) < \theta_{th}$ then
              • $\{R_c\}\leftarrow\{R_c\}\cup P_j$
              • $\{A\}\leftarrow\{A\}-P_j$
              • If $c\{P_j\}<c_{th}$ then
                • $\{S_c\}\leftarrow\{S_c\}\cup P_j$
              • end if
            • end if
          • end for
        • end for
        • Add current region to global segment list $\{R\}\leftarrow\{R\}\cup\{R_c\}$
      • end while
      • Return $\{R\}$

간단하게 정리하자면 minimum curvature를 가지는 point를 seed point로 삼아 nearest point들을 얻어서 normal의 cosine distance가 threshold 값 이하라면 같은 region에 포함시키는 방식으로 segmentation을 하는 알고리즘이다.

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